ModernYaka consists of 462 residences and 53 commercial units in 4 blocks of 12, 18 and 25 floors, with a total of 515 independent sections.
There are different types of flat options in the project, ranging from 1+1 to 4+1.
A spacious life is always offered with 4 blocks far from each other in a magnificent area with a completely open front.
It is possible to live a healthy life with floor-length windows and large square meter balconies.
Modernyaka Ispartakule project, located directly on the TEM Highway, provides a high level of advantage in transportation with its connection roads to the Northern Marmara Highway and the planned construction of the Avcılar-Tahtakale metro station.
The project is located 1 minute from TEM Highway, 5 minutes from Canal Istanbul, 10 minutes from Northern Marmara Highway and 20 minutes from Istanbul Airport.
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