First of all, you can pay any money to your own house, villa and residence it is out of our topic.
Because the house which you live inside is pricesless.
Today’s our topic is real estate purchasing for investment.
So you need to check Return of Investment (ROI). What does ROI mean ?
It measures that your total investment amount and how many years you will get it from your rents and tenants.
A simple measuring, if you pay $100,000 to your apartment and you will receive %5 ROI per year. It means that 5000$ you will get annually.
So overall you will receive from your residence and apartment around $416 per monthly.
What about shops ?
If you invest shop or commercial units in Turkey you will receive %6-7 ROI. If you pay $100,000 to your shop. It will make $7000 per year. $583 per month.
What about our listing?
Rent guarenteed furnished hotel flat.
You will receive %8 ROI.if you pay $100,000 to your hotel flat. It will make $8000 per year. $666 per month.
If you want to see our listing here is it. Click here.
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